Iryna Mykhaylyk


Brief info

Pastor Iryna Mykhaylyk sees the meaning of her life and ministry in the acquisition of people for Christ.

She understands her role as assistant in the vision that God has given her husband pastor Oleksandr, for the church and is doing everything to fulfill it.

She considers the importance of building a relationship with God, the only necessity for a happy life on earth and in eternity. Everyone is unique and special for God. This is the basis of her sermons, messages and teachings.

Pastor Iryna cannot imagine her life without the praise and worship of God. She is a pastor and leader Worship team of our church.

God gave Pastor Iryna a huge desire to help young people, which is expressed in service to adolescents and young boys and girls. The Pastor's dream to see young people saved and serving God with their gifts and abilities, that God gave them. So the church can become a place for them where they can come as they are, but not be the same as before.
